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“Be Action Oriented: The 5 Things You Need To Know To Take Consistent Action and Get What You Want”

Motivational video: Be Your best Version
About the Author

With 20+ years in Corporate America, he inspires others towards excellence and high performance.
Rahul Karan Sharma
Talent and passion come in a variety of ways. One of those ways is through the brilliance of servitude that is found in Rahul Sharma. Believing that if there is a will, there is a way, Rahul has dedicated his entire adult life to proving that one mind shift can make all of the difference.
Born in Ujjain, India, Rahul is full of culture and a love for people. His high school years were spent at The Daly College, a boarding school located in Indore, India. This experience taught him all about independence and discipline, along with learning about culture and various religions. As part of the NCC (National Cadet Corp) and Cricket Academy, he learned sportsmanship and team spirit. He has seen a great deal and has used all of his life lessons to help others shift their mindsets about their lives. As a current resident of Ashburn, VA, he has gained a great deal of respect of organizational structure and mindsets.